Monday, September 17, 2007

India's lexicon- more real than reality

I have come up with the idea of creating an India-specific lexicon which will cover words, epithets, famous personalities, political terms, economic terms, social jargon etc. and their meanings/what they stand for/description/usage . It’s an ongoing project, and I will be adding new terms regularly. Readers are requested to suggest me terms which can be included here. The following ten examples will give you a good idea:

1) Apathy:

a) Masses’ unwillingness to jack off over farmer’s plight.

b) Media’s inability to sensationalize and glamorize farmer-suicides.

2) ASI (Archaeological Survey of India):

Grave-diggers. Everything Hindu, including Ram, is a myth, as Hindus do not bury the corpse.

3) Common man:

a) The person who has cornered all the economic development since India’s independence, and the only person about whom every political party, particularly Congress is concerned about. In Hindi, referred to as ‘aam aadmi’.

b) Any invisible entity.

4) Competency:

Proximity to Gandhi-Nehru parivar.

Usage: We need leaders of competency. Let Rahul Gandhi’s cousin become India’s next PM, now that he has died.

5) Cricket:

The biggest religion in India; and the only one in which the existence of a god- Sachin Tendulkar- has been soundly disproved.

6) Feminism:

a) An ideology by which a woman viciously competes other women to prove her own superiority vis-à-vis men.

b) An ideology which canalizes women’s hatred of men towards a productive cause of pulling down other bitches.

7) Hindustan Times (HT):

Unofficial spokesperson of Pakistan’s diplomatic ambassador to India. Also, since the name is Hindustan times, the paper voices concerns of Bangladesh, Nepal, Burma, Afghanistan and India too.

8) Secularism:

a) Controlling the spread of Hinduism, and promoting Islam and Christianity.

b) Broad-mindedness to allow yourself to be blackmailed by threats of ‘minority-estrangement’, and glorifying the same.

Usage: India is a secular country. In most of the Hindu-Muslim riots, more Hindus have been killed.

(9) Traffic-cop:

a) An entity that teaches rich bastards the value of money, and not-so-rich the benefits of extortion.

b) The only pedestrian in India, who’s safe from the excesses of negligent drunk-drivers.


Anonymous said...

Interesting... bold wrt Secularism... but Why ridicule Plumber .... you should fix the pipes... give way.. undo the blockage ... not point it out... put forth your practical solutions... i have none so i look to you E- Bloggers... but why is it that 99% of you feel derision is the way to go... Plumber, i feel you have potential. lets see you post an article that arouses an incessant awe instead of laughter... that my friend is true Blogging... remember its a stagnant world and a moribund society... your ridicule wont help.. your facts presented as a slap across the face will..

Anonymous said...

Interesting... bold wrt Secularism... but Why ridicule Plumber .... you should fix the pipes... give way.. undo the blockage ... not point it out... put forth your practical solutions... i have none so i look to you E- Bloggers... but why is it that 99% of you feel derision is the way to go... Plumber, i feel you have potential. lets see you post an article that arouses an incessant awe instead of laughter... that my friend is true Blogging... remember its a stagnant world and a moribund society... your ridicule wont help.. your facts presented as a slap across the face will..

Anonymous said...

Guys... I like what you write... One issue though... I totall agree with what the watcher said... The generation looks forward to, admires and 'salaams' people who bring about a clairvoyant metamorphosis! Your articles will surerly evoke a few smirks... Take it a step further... Come up with solutions... Whenyou criticise also have an answer to improve it... You guys are talented... Hope to see you make better use of it though.. May the force be with you!!

icecoolsushobhan said...

excellent excellent... can't wait for more!!!
try this
a) A system of governance that aims at bringing equality
b)A form of rule that ensures that each and every citizen is equally poor

SockMock said...

@ The Said and Anon:

Thanks for the valuable feedback. I would like to mention that it's not possible every time to provide solutions/constructive suggestions, which is why my posts only serve to highlight and mock the hypocrisies and affectations and double-standards which we see/sometimes fail to see.

@ Sushobhan:

Thanks for the compliment. Keep reading.

Winnie the poohi said...

Now this is more like it!!

Loved this post!!


Have you seen that Ad of some tea??

Abt a guy asking for vote??

Thats the kind of sarcasm i love.. can u write some in that way?

entwined said...

Brilliant work ..particularly 'common man', 'HT'....and 'secularism' the first part of TOI....keep it goin...

Anonymous said...

Web design
very handy, thanx a lot for this blgo .... This is exactly what I was lookign for.